We have a collection of Static GK Quiz for competitive exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB exams, various insurance exams, and all other banking exams and all competitive exams. General Knowledge is important for every citizen of India and the world. Most of the General Knowledge topics have been covered in this article.
Competitive exam Questions are designed to test the knowledge of a student and the ability to perform well in the exams. The General knowledge topics are vast keeping in mind the diverse knowledge required to clear the examinations.
Static GK quiz is available here for your practice!
Here we can provide static gk quiz, banking static gk quiz, static gk quiz for SSC, static gk quiz for RRB NTPC, for students who are ready to appearing their competitive exams. Practice daily gk quiz online quiz test to makes your static gk ability faster.
Attempt free online test to practice daily Static GK quiz with multiple choice answers. The current GK covers all the International and national current affairs news and must be revised thoroughly to score good marks.
What is Static Gk?
What should I learn in static GK?
Which book is best for static GK?
What is the difference between static GK and current affairs?
Why is it important to learn Static GK Quiz?
Important Static Gk Quiz Topics
As per the current scenario, a major portion of questions in the exam is covered by the current affairs and static gk. Below is the list of Important Static GK topics asked in the exam.
- Firsts in India (Male)
- Firsts in India
- Firsts in India (Female)
- Firsts in the World (Male, Female etc.)
- Superlatives (India)
- Superlatives (World)
- Important Monuments/Structures (World)
- National Emblems of Some Countries
- National Animals of Some Countries
- News Agencies of Some Countries
- Abbreviations
- Countries with Longest Coast Lines (World)
- Countries with Largest Aquatic Area (World)
- International Airlines
- Some Important Political Parties (World)
- Intelligence Agencies (World)
- Parliaments of Some Countries
- Some Important Signs or Symbols
- Some Official Books (World)
- Newspapers & Place of Publication (World)
- United Nations
- World Organisations and their Headquarters
- Secretary Generals of UNO and their Tenure
- United Nations International Weeks
- International Years
- Important Days (India and World)
- UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites (India)
- Famous Tourist Spots of India
- Defence of India
- Internal Security of India
- Defence Training Institutions of India
- Foundation Day of Some States
- Research Centres of India
- Nuclear And Space Research Centres in India
- Health and Medicinal Research Centres in India
- National Parks (Established after 1998)
- Famous Musical Instruments and their Exponents
- Important Classical Dances And Artists
- States and their Folk Dances
- Major Art forms of India
- Cultural Organisations in India
- Places Associated with Eminent Persons (World)
- Crematorium of Famous Persons (India)
- Famous Nicknames of Eminent Persons
- Some Great Works of Famous Persons
- Awards and Honours
- National and Padma Awards
- Gallantry Awards
- Recipients of the Bharatiya Jnanpith Award
- Recipients of Dada Saheb Phalke Award
- Nobel Prize
- Oscar/ Academy Award (Motion-Picture Award)
- Grammy Award (American Music Award)
- Booker Prize (British Literary Award)
- Ramon Magsaysay Award
- The Pulitzer Prize
- Gandhi Peace Award
- International Gandhi Peace Prize
- UNESCO Kalinga Prize
- Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
- Important Books and Authors
- Important Committees (India)
- Some Important Books (Polity)
- Some Important Definitions
- Committees and Commissions
- Youth Affairs Games and Sports
- Olympic Games
- Paralympics and Winter Olympics
- Commonwealth Games
- Asian Games
- SAF Games
- Some Important Facts
- Cups and Trophies
- Famous Stadia and Sports
- National Games and Sports (world)
- Court or Field Associated with Sports
- Number of Players in Some Popular Sports
- Nicknames of Eminent Players
- Eminent Sportspersons (India)
- Eminent International Players (Female)
- Eminent International Players (Male)
- Miscellaneous