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Quiz On Cell Structure And Function
Practice Quiz On Cell Structure And Function online biology quiz on cell structure and function to gain complete knowledge of general science for competitive exams. Following are the MCQ for your practice.
1. A major site for synthesis of lipids is
(a) Symplast
(b) Nucleoplasm
(d) SER
Ans: (d) SER
2. Select the correct statements from the following
regarding cell membrane.
(a) Na+ and K+ ions move across cell membrane by passive transport
(b) Proteins make up 60 to 70 % of the cell membrane
(c) Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with polar heads towards the inner part
(d) Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was proposed by Singer and Nicolson
Ans: (d) Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was proposed by Singer and Nicolson
3. Which one of the following cellular parts is correctly
(a) Thylakoids – flattened membranous sacs forming the grana of chloroplasts
(b) Centrioles – sites for active RNA synthesis
(c) Ribosomes – those on chloroplasts are larger (80S) while those in the cytoplasm are smaller (70S)
(d) Lysosomes – optimally active at a pH of about 8.5
Ans: (a) Thylakoids – flattened membranous sacs forming the grana of chloroplasts
4. Select the wrong statement from the following.
(a) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bounded by the thylakoid membrane
(b) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain DNA
(c) The chloroplasts are generally much larger than mitochondria
(d) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain an inner and an outer membrane
Ans: (a) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bounded by the thylakoid membrane
5. Which of the following statements regarding cilia is
not correct?
(a) Cilia contain an outer ring of nine doublet microtubules surrounding two singlet microtubules
(b) The organized beating of cilia is controlled by fluxed of Ca2+ across the membrane
(c) Cilia are hair like cellular appendages
(d) Microtubules of cilia are composed of Tubulin
Ans: (b) The organized beating of cilia is controlled by fluxed of Ca2+ across the membrane
6. A major breakthrough in the studies of cells came with
the development of electron microscope. This is because
(a) The electron microscope is more powerful than the light microscope as it uses a beam of electrons which has wavelength much longer than that of photons.
(b) The resolving power of the electron microscope is much higher than that of the light microscope
(c) The resolving power of the electron microscope is 200-350 nm as compared to 0.1-0.2 nm for the light microscope
(d) Electron beam can pass through thick materials, whereas light microscopy requires thin sections
Ans: (b) The resolving power of the electron microscope is much higher than that of the light microscope
7. According to widely accepted “fluid mosaic model” cell
membranes are semi-fluid, where lipids and integral proteins can diffuse
randomly. In recent years, this model has been modified in several respects. In
this regard, which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Proteins in cell membranes can travel within the lipids bilayer
(b) Proteins can also undergo flip-flop movements in the lipid bilayer
(c) Proteins can remain confined within certain domains of the menbrane
(d) Many proteins remain completely embedded within the lipid bilayer
Ans: (b) Proteins can also undergo flip-flop movements in the lipid bilayer
8. Centromere is required for
(a) Movement of chromosomes towards poles
(b) Cytoplasmic Cleavage
(c) Crossing Over
(d) Transcription
Ans: (a) Movement of chromosomes towards poles
9. In chloroplast, chlorophyll is present in the
(a) Outer Membrane
(b) Inner Membrane
(c) Thylakoids
(d) Stroma
Ans: (c) Thylakoids
10. Proteinaceous pigment which controls the activities
concerned with light is
(a) Phytochrome
(b) Chlorophyll
(c) Anthocyanin
(d) Carotenoids
Ans: (a) Phytochrome
11. When water moves through a semipermeable membrane
then which of the following pressure develops?
(a) Osmotic Pressure
(b) Suction Pressures
(c) Turgor Pressure
(d) Wall Pressure
Ans: (a) Osmotic Pressure
12. Which of the following ribosomes are engaged in
protein synthesis in animal cell?
(a) Ribosomes which occur on nuclear membrane and E.R
(b) Ribosomes of only Cytosol
(c) Ribosomes of only Nucleolus ad Cytosol
(d) Ribosomes of only Mitochondria and Cytosol
Ans: (a) Ribosomes which occur on nuclear membrane and E.R
13. Function of telomeres in nucleus is
(a) Poleward Movement
(b) To Initiate the RNA synthesis
(c) To Seal the ends of Chromosome
(d) ToRecognise the Homologous Chromosome
Ans: (c) To Seal the ends of Chromosome
14. Which cell organelle is concerned with glycosylation
of protein?
(a) Ribosome
(b) Peroxisome
(c) EndoplasmicReticulum
(d) Mitochondria
Ans: (c) EndoplasmicReticulum
15. Which of the following organelles has single
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Spherosomes
(c) Nucleus
(d) Cell Wall
Ans: (b) Spherosomes
16. Which of the following structures will not be common
to mitotic cell of a higher plant?
(a) Centriole
(b) Spindle Fibre
(c) Cell Plate
(d) Centromere
Ans: (a) Centriole
17. Protein synthesis in an animal cell, takes place
(a) In the cytoplasm as well as endoplasmic reticulum
(b) Only on ribose attached to nucleon
(c) Only in the cytoplasm
(d) In the nucleolus as well as in the cytoplasm
Ans: (d) In the nucleolus as well as in the cytoplasm
18. The prokaryotic flagella possess
(a) Helically arranged protein molecule
(b) 9+2 membrane enclosed structure
(c) Unit membrane enclosed fibre
(d) Protein membrane enclosed fibre
Ans: (a) Helically arranged protein molecule
19. Which of the following organelles contains enzymes
that have digestive actin?
(a) Ribosomes
(b) Polysomes
(d) Lysosomes
Ans: (d) Lysosomes
20. In mitochondria, Cristae act as sites for
(a) Protein Synthesis
(b) Phosphorylation of Flavoproteins
(c) Breakdown of Macromolecules
(d) Oxidation Reduction Reaction
Ans: (d) Oxidation Reduction Reaction
21. Which one of the following organelles is located near
the nucleus and contains a collection of flattened membrane bound cisternae?
(a) Nucleolus
(b) Mitochondrion
(c) Centriole
(d) Golgi Apparatus
Ans: (d) Golgi Apparatus
22. The inner membrane of the mitochondria is usually,
highly convoluted forming a series of infolding known as
(a) Thylakoids
(b) Lamellae
(c) Cristae
(d) Grana
Ans: (c) Cristae
23. Besides giving out secretory vesicles, the Golgiapparatus
is also concerned with the formation of
(a) Lysosomes
(b) Plastids
(c) Grana of Chioroplasts
(d) Cell Plates after Cell Division in Plants
Ans: (a) Lysosomes
24. Golgiapparatus is absent in
(a)Higher Plants
(b) Yeast
(c) Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae
(d) None of these
Ans: (c) Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae
25. Experiments of Acetabularia by Hammerling proved the
role of
(a) Cytoplasm in controlling differentiation
(b) Nucleus in Heredity
(c) Chromosomes in Heredity
(d) Nucleo-cytopalsmic Ratio
Ans: (b) Nucleus in Heredity
26. An outer covering membrane is absent over
(a) Nucleolus
(b) Lysosome
(c) Mitochondrion
(d) Plastid
Ans: (a) Nucleolus
27. All plastids have similar structure because they can
(a) Store starch, lipids and proteins
(b) Get transformed from one type of another
(c) Perform same function
(d) Be present together
Ans: (b) Get transformed from one type of another
28. Oxysomes of F0 – F1 particles occur on
(a) Thylakoids
(b) Mitochondrial Surface
(c) Inner Mitochondrial Membrane
(d) Chloroplast Surface
Ans: (c) Inner Mitochondrial Membrane
29. Electron microscope has a high resolution power. This
is due to
(a) Electromagnetic Lenses
(b) Very low wavelength of electron beam
(c) Low wavelength of light source used
(d) High numerical aperture of glass lenses used
Ans: (b) Very low wavelength of electron beam
30. Addition of new cell wall particles amongst the
existing one is
(a) Deposition
(b) Apposition
(c) Intussusception
(d) Aggregation
Ans: (c) Intussusception
31. Resolution power is the ability to
(a) Distinguish two close points
(b) Distinguish two close objects
(c) Distinguish amongst organelles
(d) Magnify image
Ans: (b) Distinguish two close objects
32. Nucleoproteins are synthesised in
(a) Nucleoplasm
(b) Nuclear Envelope
(c) Nucleolus
(d) Cytoplasm
Ans: (d) Cytoplasm
33. Acetabularia used in Hammerling’s nucleo-cytoplasmic
experiments is
(a) Unicellular Fungus
(b) Multicellular Fungus
(c) Unicellular uninucleate green algae
(d) Unicellular multinucleate green algae
Ans: (c) Unicellular uninucleate green algae
34. Microtubules do not occur in
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Centrioles
(c) Spindle Fibres
(d) Flagella
Ans: (a) Mitochondria
35. Ribosomes are granules formed of
(a) rRNA + tRNA
(b) mRN A+ tRNA
(C) rRNA + proteins
(d) mRNA+proteins
Ans: (C) rRNA + proteins
36 . Which one is present nearest to plasma membrane
(a)Middle Lamella
(b) Primary Wall
(c) Secondary Wall
(d) Tonoplast
Ans: (c) Secondary Wall
37. Welded areas between adjacent cells are
(a) Desmosomes
(b) Gap Junctions
(c) Intercellular Bridges
(d) Inter Digitations
Ans: (a) Desmosomes
38. Chlorophyll occurs in chloroplast
(a) Inner Membrane
(b) Thylakoid Membranes
(c) Outer Membrane
(d) Stroma
Ans: (b) Thylakoid Membranes
39. Which is common in plant and animal cells
(a) Centrioles
(b) Central Vacuole
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Plastids
Ans: (c) Mitochondria
40. Which is not a function of vacuole in plant cell?
(a) Formation of H2O2
(b) Waste Disposal
(c) Cell Elongation
(d) Storage
Ans: (a) Formation of H2O2
41. Arrangement of microtubules is
(a) 9+9
(b) 9+3
(c) 9+4
(d) 9+2
Ans: (d) 9+2
42. Lysosomes are produced by
(a Mitochondria
(b) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(c) Golgi Bodies
(d) Leucoplasts
43. Which does not occur in cell membrane
(a) Glycolipids
(b) Proline
(c) Phospholipids
(d) Cholesterol
Ans: (a) Glycolipids
44. Subunits of 80 S ribosomes are
(a) 40S
(b) 60S
(c) 40S-60S
(d) None of these
45. Vacuole of plant cells
(a) Lacks Membrane, contains water and excretory substances
(b) Is membrane bound, contains water and excretory substances
(c) Is membrane bound, contains storage proteins and lipids
(d) Lacks membrane and contains air
Ans: (b) Is membrane bound, contains water and excretory substances
46. What is true of membrane lipids and proteins?
(a) None can flip-flop
(b) Both can flip-flop
(c) Proteins can flip-flop but lipids cannot
(d) Lipids can rarely flip-flop but proteins cannot
Ans: (d) Lipids can rarely flip-flop but proteins cannot
47. Middle lamella is mainly composed of
(a) Calcium Pectate
(b) Phosphaglycerides
(c) Muramic Acid
(d) Hemicellulose
Ans: (a) Calcium Pectate
48. Who first saw and described a live cell
(a) Matthias Schleiden
(b) Theodore Schwann
(c) Anton Von Leeuwenhock
(d) Rudolf Virchow
Ans: (c) Anton Von Leeuwenhock
49. Plasma membrane consists mainly of
(a) Proteins Embedded in a phospholipid bilayer
(b) Protein embedded in a polymer of glucose molecule
(c) Proteins embedded in a carbohydrate bilayer
(d) Phospholipids embedded in protein bilayer
Ans: (a) Proteins Embedded in a phospholipid bilayer
50. Animal cells do not possess
(a) Plasmodesmata
(b) Centriole
(c) 80 S Ribosomes
(d) All of these
Ans: (a) Plasmodesmata