Heat Transfer Class 11 Notes

heat transfer class 11 notes

Conduction, convection, and radiation are the three methods to Heat Transfer from one point to another.Usually, conduction takes place in solids, convection in liquids & gases, and radiation does not require a medium. Conduction It involves heat-transfer from the hot end of a body to its cold end due to molecular collision to minimize the … Read more

Current Electricity Class 12 Notes

current electricity class 12 notes

This is the complete note of Current Electricity Class 12 for all students of CBSE and BSE with all board of education. CURRENT ELECTRICITY  Electric Potential  The amount of work done in bringing unit positive charge at a point is called as potential at that point. Electric potential = work done/charge = Joule/coulomb = volt. … Read more

Classification of Plant Kingdom Class 11 Notes

classification of plant kingdom

Plant Kingdom – Definition, Classifications, and Characteristics The plant kingdom is the plant that contains all the plants in the world. These are multicellular eukaryotes. Characteristically, they have a rigid structure around the cell membrane called the cell wall. Plants have green pigment, which is very important for photosynthesis. Therefore, they have an autotrophic pattern … Read more

Classification of Living Organisms Class 11 Notes

Classification of Living Organisms Class 11 Notes image

Classification of Living Organisms Since the dawn of civilization, several attempts have been made to classify organisms. It was created naturally without the use of scientific standards, but removed from the need to use organisms for our own use in food, shelter, and clothing. Aristotle first laid the scientific basis for the Classification of Living … Read more

Difference Between Living And Nonliving Organisms Biology Notes

living and non living organism notes

Everyone easily understands the difference between living and nonliving organisms. But to define life is a difficult task. We describe the unique personnel that organisms develop, such as movement or locomotion, digestion, respiration, excretion, response to stimuli and adaptation to changing circumstances. Some internal processes that are not perceived externally include metabolic reactions, action of … Read more

Electric Field – Definition, Formula, unit, Direction, Field lines

electric field image

What Is An Electric Field Definition: Electric field is a region of the space around a charge or system of other charges if another charge is brought in to experience a force. It should be noted that the presence of an electric field around a system of charges even if when there is no charge … Read more

Electric Charge: Definition, History, Units, Types & Characteristics

electric charge

What is an electric charge? Electric charge is defined as the source of the electric field because charges are responsible for creating an electric field. Material like electron, proton, and neutron having some basic properties apart from their masses, and these additional properties create an electrical force are called electric charge. The charge can not … Read more